December 1, 2007

first day of December

The advent calender is ready

and so is the advent candles. I can not find any purple candles in this country, so dark red is the best I can do.

I also got 'new' hair. Not the easiest thing to take picture with my web cam, but you can sort of see it. I am quit please with how it turned out and hope I don't look to much like a 10 year old.


mormi said...

Fensy med kalender vel?
D har me og kult.Og så har me dagslys så me brenne for kvar dag.
Har kjøpt inn lilla lys trist att eg ikkje sente nogen lys til deg.Me har sent jula gavene nå.
Ikkje åpna før d er jul dei som er pakka inn i julapapir.

Phillipen said...

hehe, you totally look like a tenyear-old! hehe
Neidå, du e så fine atte Ü

Unknown said...

Oh dyna... You are so beautiful! It is so good to see an updated photo of you. *hugs*