I have this beautiful Christmas tablecloth my mum made for me. This year we got a couple of candle wax dripping on the tablecloth. I was not to worried about it, thinking it would come of when I washed it. I was able to pick of most of the wax so there was only some pink stains in the fabric. I sprayed them with stain remover and washed on gentle. After one wash there was still one stain left. I sprayed stain remover on it again and washed again, this time on hot.
After second wash the stain was still there. I hung the cloth outside to dry, hoping the sun will make the stain fade. But no such luck. I wash it a third time and still no change. My mum suggested I iron the tablecloth with a piece of paper towel over the stain as to sort of 'suck' it out of the fabric....
I have now a piece of very nice and flat paper towel. The tablecloth still have a stain. So what do I do now?
Nå har eg sitt på flekken .Prøv og kok opp vann i vannkokeren og slå direkte på flekken.D må vel bli mindre etter kvart.D var nå vertfall ikkje på broderiet
Ein annen gang må du har lysestaken på ein talerk eller någe for å beskytta duken.Den er jo så fin.
Hei igjen!
Har du prøvd å få vekk flekken?
I dag har eg våre sjå Toril hu satt der med foten på ein stol.Hu sa at hu hadde skreve mail til deg har du fått den? Vist du har fått den må du svara henner
Traff og mor til Kine dei bur någen leiligheter bortføre Toril hu var så begistra at hu fekk vera sjå dokk med jul.
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