I have this beautiful Christmas tablecloth my mum made for me. This year we got a couple of candle wax dripping on the tablecloth. I was not to worried about it, thinking it would come of when I washed it. I was able to pick of most of the wax so there was only some pink stains in the fabric. I sprayed them with stain remover and washed on gentle. After one wash there was still one stain left. I sprayed stain remover on it again and washed again, this time on hot.
After second wash the stain was still there. I hung the cloth outside to dry, hoping the sun will make the stain fade. But no such luck. I wash it a third time and still no change. My mum suggested I iron the tablecloth with a piece of paper towel over the stain as to sort of 'suck' it out of the fabric....
I have now a piece of very nice and flat paper towel. The tablecloth still have a stain. So what do I do now?