February 3, 2008

more answers

seems like I should had spelled it out a bit more clear what I was trying to say in yesterdays post. It was not that we have been married for 2 years and 2 months that was so special. Although I do know about people not even making it to two months, so I guess its great that we made it so far. The special part was the date yesterday...We celebrated 2 years and 2 month on the 2nd of the 2nd. See that was very special.

asked me earlier for a photo of 'harry potter' without fringe. Yesterdays photo shows how I look like with my fringe pinned back, which is close to how it looked when all of my hair was long.

Lisa wanted to know what price Tsonga was holding in my post about tennis. Truthfully, I have no idea. I goggled Tsonga and the picture I posted was the nicest one I could find. From what I have gather too he is fairly new to the game, so maybe some national price from a contest in France.

And last, I just had to share this. Pretty cool.

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