June 6, 2008

all about me

it is my birthday and I have gotten a fair bit of attention, which is cool but also a bit awkward.

Anyway, the day started with a birthday greeting from my husband. When I got to work I found out my co-worker had let all the parents know about my birthday so I got some happy birthday wishes. Another co-worker got 'my' kids to sing for me (I am so getting her back on that one).

At lunch time I found out that they had bought a ice cream cake so I could share a birthday treat with 'my' kids. And of course they had to sing for me again. In the afternoon all the kids in the whole creche came into my room. I got a present from all the staff and another song. Yay.

A bit after 4 a delivery guy came to the door with a giant bouquet of flowers.As soon as I saw the flowers I suspected it was from Hameed and I was right. They were beautiful.

When I got home I got another song, cake and a card. Hameed also made me dinner - yummy lasagna. Today have been all about me and I guess I deserved it since I am now a whole year older.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

YAY for happy birthdays!! :D
Sounds like you had a wonderful one. Happy Birthday and congratulations!