April 9, 2006

how old?


Begin with age 79 years, the average global life-expectancy based on ten advanced societies.

01. Where is your ancestral home?

..... United States of America = minus 2.
..... Austria or United Kingdom = minus 1.
..... Canada or France or Italy = 0.
..... Australia or Singapore or Sweden = plus 2.
..... Japan = plus 3.
Enter zero if your homeland is not given.

02. Gender. Female = plus 1. Male = minus 2.

03. Do you have an annual physical exam?
Yes = plus 3. No = minus 3.

04. Grandparent lived to 85-plus? Add 2 for each long-lived grandparent.

05. Do you volunteer on a weekly basis? Yes = plus 2. No = minus 1.

06. Do you live alone? Yes, minus 3. No, 0 points.

07. Are you able to laugh at, and learn from your mistakes. Yes = plus 1. No = minus 3.

08. Do you have a confidant who listens to your problems? Yes = plus 1. No = minus 2.

09. Daily neurobic (brain) exercise: puzzles, games, learning? Yes = plus 4. No = 0.

10. Daily aerobic exercise: swimming, jogging, biking? Yes = plus 3. No = 0.

11. Eat balanced diet of fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains? Yes = plus 2. No = minus 3.

12. Do you smoke a pack of cigarettes daily? Yes = minus 4. No = 0 points.

13. Live with, work with, or have friends who smoke? Yes = minus 1. No = 0.

14. Do you "yo-yo" on and off diet fads? Yes = minus 5. No = 0 points.

15. Own an inter-active pet (dog, cat)? Yes = plus 2. Passive pet (goldfish) = plus 1.

16. Left-handed = minus 1. Right-handed = 0.

17. Men Only: For every inch of your height that exceeds 5'8", minus six months.

18. Are you a religious person, and do you practice your faith? Yes = plus 2. No = 0.

19. Women Only: For each childbirth add .25 years (3 months) to your score.

20. Use stress management (meditation, quiet time, spa)? Yes = plus 4. No = minus 3.

21. Walk to work? Yes = plus 2. Ride to work? Yes = plus 1. Drive to work? Yes = minus 3.

22. Cosmetic surgery? Once per decade = plus 5. Minus 1 for each additional per decade.

23. Do you fear the uncertainties of growing old? Yes = minus 2. No fear = plus 1.

24. Substance abuse? Yes = minus 6. Shared use of substances = minus 3.

25. Sexual promiscuity (multiple partners, STD risks)? Yes = minus 6. No = 0.

26. Engaged in long-term, relationship of trust and mutual respect? Yes = plus 5. No = 0.

27. All friends same age as you? Yes = minus 2. Age-mix of friends? Yes = plus 1.

28. Written specific life goals and completion timeframes? Yes = plus 1. No = 0.

29. Family history of cardiovascular or cancer prior to age 50? Minus 2 per occurence.

30. Family history of obesity, diabetes, chronic depression? Minus 2 per each occurence.

Your score is an estimate of how long you can expect to live. A score less than 79 years is a "wake-up call" alerting you to take positive action. Long life isn't the result of smart genes and dumb luck. In fact, 80% of longevity is based on lifestyle, not genes. Living to be 100 depends on five factors: genetic inheritance (good genes give you a good head start), outlook (meaningful lives last longer), diet (you are what you eat), aerobic exercise (a fine-tuned engine wears better), and mental fitness (use it or lose it).

According to this quiz I will be 98 years old... guess I just have to wait and see.

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