I had to smile at the line with my ticker for this week. New Jersey is a fair distance from here but I am very tempted to drop kick the next person who ask me 'how are you feeling?' The worst I think is that it is usually women who ask me, women who have been pregnant, women who probably still got sick of that line. Yet they still ask.
I think the only one worse is one of my co-workers who keep asking me 'how is your baby' - I never know how to answer that one. I assume Sarah is alright. She seems to be growing as she is getting stronger, but I can not see or talk to her so I have no idea how she is really is.
I'm still pretty comfortable and sleeping very well at night. I sure appreciate it. I enjoy being able to still be very active and work full-time with very little problems. I am tired at the end of the day and most of my weekends goes to sleep and rest but I am still doing very well and my feet are not the tiniest bit swollen yet.
Last Saturday I got another niece. My brother in law called right after she was born and was so excited. We got very little details out of him though. Thanx to my sisters in law we got to see picture and even got a name. She is named Mariyam Eshal.